It’s time to pick up your packets!

If you registered for packet pickup, look for an email (Thursday, March 18) from with your bib number or a list of bib numbers associated with your email address. You will need those bib numbers for our drive through packet pickup this weekend. The email also contains your Active registration number which you will want to submit your results.
Can’t find the email? Look in your spam folder. Still no luck? Contact us at or come to packet pickup at a time indicated below and we’ll get you squared away.
Saturday, March 20, 10 am – Noon or Sunday, March 21, 3 – 5 pm
Morgan Hill Presbyterian Church (now called Grace Hill Church), 16970 De Witt Ave, Morgan Hill
What you need:
Write the bib number for each packet that you would like to pick up on a piece of paper (with a marker or a crayon) and place it on the passenger-side, front dashboard of your car.
Can I pick up a packet for my friend(s)? Absolutely! Obtain their bib number/s from them (from the email they received) and add any additional bib numbers to your pickup sheet.
What Covid-19 precautions are you taking for packet pickup? All of our volunteers will be wearing masks. Once a worker copies the numbers down, your car will be waved through to pick up. Pop your trunk, a worker will put your packet/s in, and you will be on your way.
Is it too late for my friends to register and get their swag? Not at all. If they are local, they can come to packet pickup, pull up to the “New Registration/Questions” table and register on the spot. Online registration will also remain open until 3/28/21, and we will continue to mail packets throughout the upcoming week.
Registration questions? Contact