Submit Your Results!
Complete your event between March 20 and March 28 and post your run results HERE. You will need to enter your registration number (provided in a 3/12 email or in your registration confirmation from Active) to get started. Upload an image of your results. Don’t have a running app? We have many suggestions to get you started. Go to running-apps.
Posting results after March 28? You have until April 5 to submit your results! Since you can no longer post results to after event completion (March 28), instead please email an image of your results to Include the first name, last name, and bib number/s of anyone for whom this result was recorded.
All people submitting results through April 5 will receive two (2) prize drawing entries! We will be awarding over 40 prizes! For information on additional prize entry categories and opportunities, go to prizes.
Questions or problems? Contact