Your Donation Makes a Difference!
Your donation to the Wildflower Run supports the many programs AAUW Morgan Hill provides to the community. These include: Tech Trek (a summer STEM camp for MHUSD middle school girls), a wide range of local scholarships (from students graduating from high school to women re-entering college after an absence), grants to local non-profit community organizations, Young Women Leaders (mentorship for local high school girls), and more. See where your donation went last year HERE.
Make a donation now to our non-profit 501(c)3 Interbranch Special Projects Foundation (ISPF) or mail checks to ISPF-AAUW, PO Box 1528, Morgan Hill, CA 95038.
Your tax deductible donation to AAUW's "Interbranch Special Projects Foundation" will be directed to our Wildflower Fund for our projects in support of gender equity for women and girls.
Hear from one young woman whose educational goals have been set and achieved with AAUW Morgan Hill’s support.