Hear ye! Hear ye! Some really IMPORTANT NEWS!
If you hesitated to register for the Wildflower Run because rain was forecast for Sunday, March 27, don’t worry, rain is now not expected until Monday! It’s perfect weather for a run or a walk on Sunday Morning!
Hurray! you say, and rush online to WildflowerRun.org to choose your run option and register….
But OH NO! Online registrations are closed, you discover? Don’t worry, we have you covered:
- Saturday, March 26: Come to BookSmart book store, 421 Vineyard Town Center, Morgan Hill, during ‘packet pick-up’ between 10 am and 2 pm, and we’ll happily sign you up. Bring a friend!
- Sunday, March 27 (Race Day!): Can’t make it Saturday? Don’t worry! Come to Live Oak High School for on-site registration, beginning at 7.30 am.
PSST! There are Zumba warm-ups right before, entertainment enroute, goodie bags for all and a fun Finish Fest! Smiling and helpful volunteers make it even more fun!
Don’t miss out on the 39th year of this fabulous local tradition, the Wildflower Run!