2013-2014 Wildflower Fund Recipients

The continuing and growing success of the Wildflower Run, combined with generous corporate sponsorships enabled us to introduce several new scholarships and awards in 2014. Wildflower Fund monies (run registrations, corporate sponsorships, and individual donations) were allocated in 2014 to the following:

2014 scholarship recipients at recognition brunch


Provide scholarships to high school girls graduating from Morgan Hill Unified School District (MHUSD) schools.


Name High School College Major or Field of Study
Madeline Duran Central High School Gavilan College Cosmetology
Heather Sjostedt Ann Sobrato High School UC Davis Computer Animation
Whitney Waller Live Oak High School CSU Sacramento Psychology

Provide “Re-Entry Scholarships” to local women reentering college after a gap in their education.

Scholarship recipients Mindy Castillo, Leslie Montes, Shannon Mortela helping at the Run

Name College Major or Field of Study
Mindy Castillo Gavilan College Computer Science & Information Systems
Leslie Montes Gavilan College Nursing
Shannon M. Mortela Gavilan College Social Work

Provide supplemental Keeping In Touch (KIT) grants to previous scholarship recipients to support them as they continue in their field of study.

Name College Major or Field of Study
Mireye Avila UC Santa Cruz Psychology
Amanda Bogden UC Davis Veterinary Science
Veronica Dimas Gavilan College Medical Business
Amy McBirney UC Davis Veterinary Science

NEW: Sponsor a college student from Morgan Hill to participate in NCCWSL (National Conference for College Women Student Leaders).

NCCWSL is an annual national leadership conference for college women. Funding includes travel expenses plus conference registration.

Camila Rico UC Berkeley Environmental Science

Support Girls Engaged in Math and Science (GEMS), a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) after-school enrichment program.

GEMS is sponsored by AAUW Morgan Hill and consisting of monthly field trips, lectures, and other programs. GEMS is free and open to all girls in the Morgan Hill Unified School District in grades 8 through 12.

NEW: Sponsor a local speech competition as part of Speech Trek, a state-wide AAUW program.

First, second, and third place winners each received cash prizes.

Divya Gopisetty (1st) Oakwood School

Provide scholarships to send MHUSD Middle School students to Tech Trek, an AAUW-sponsored one week math and science summer camp at Stanford University for middle school girls.

2014 Tech Trek campers at Stanford University

Noelle Benitez Britton Middle School
Shannon Coakley Martin Murphy Middle School
Rylie Hauge Charter School of Morgan Hill
Susanna Indermitte Charter School of Morgan Hill
Tiffany La Martin Murphy Middle School
Holly Rottenborn Martin Murphy Middle School
Natalie Rusterholtz Charter School of Morgan Hill
Morgan Young Britton Middle School

Provide an additional lump sum grant to the Tech Trek camp at Stanford University.

Uses may include extra capital needs such as technology upgrades or additional enrichment such as more field trips.

NEW: Sponsor branch participation in the Leadership Morgan Hill class of 2014.

Peggy Martin AAUW Morgan Hill branch member

Underwrite national AAUW priorities. These include graduate fellowships for women, community action grants, pioneering research, public policy advocacy, legal advocacy,and leadership programs.

NEW: Establish a “Morgan Hill Wildflower Run Research and Projects Grant Endowment.”

This $75,000 endowment, will be funded by proceeds from the Wildflower Run. When completed, the endowment will support community action and career development grants.

Another branch endowment, the $100,000 Blaine/Cate Endowment for Graduate Fellowships (#1802) was completed in 2001. It funds an annual graduate or postgraduate fellowship.

Gretchen Heberling Stanford University Architecture and design M.S. Sustainable Design & Construction
