2023-24 Wildflower Fund Recipients

In 2023-24, we distributed $69,000 from the Wildflower Fund (Wildflower Run registrations, corporate sponsorships, and individual donations) in support of education and equity for women and girls. Funds raised were directed to the following:

Provide scholarships to high school girls graduating from Morgan Hill Unified School District (MHUSD) schools.

Some of our 2024  scholarship recipients, with MHUSD Superintendent Carmen Garcia, helping at the 2024 Wildflower Run

2024 High School Scholarship Recipients

Recipient High School College Field of Study
Sofia Barreras Live Oak UCLA Biology
Faith Fernandes Ann Sobrato UC Berkeley Pre-med
Stella Gaudy Ann Sobrato Chapman University Biology
Ziada Flores Gomez Central Evergreen College Business
Isabella Jeffery Live Oak San Jose State Pre-nursing
Veronica Orozco Live Oak Santa Clara University Civil Engineering
Alyssa Mendoza Live Oak UC Davis Economics
Makenna Reichart Ann Sobrato Cal Poly SLO Landscape Architecture
Roma Shah Ann Sobrato Brown University Neuroscience
Jasreen Toor Live Oak UC Berkeley Economics

Provide “Re-Entry” and “Deferred Entry” to local women reentering college after a gap in their education. Recipients may include women who have taken a break during college, women who have taken a break after high school before entering college, and/or women completing their GED at the Morgan Hill Community Adult School and now entering college.

MHCAS (Morgan Hill Community Adult School) scholarship recipients Drey Stites and Devanna Garcia with (center) AAUW Scholarship Committee Chair, Vicky Reader.

2024 Students Receiving Re-Entry / Deferred Entry College Scholarships

Recipient College Major or Field of Study
Devanna Garcia MHCAS -> Gavilan College Child Development
Drey Stites MHCAS ->  Gavilan College Health Administration
Simran Kaur Gavilan College -> San Francisco State Computer Science

Provide “Lauren Jenkins Healthcare Profession Scholarships” to college students from the Morgan Hill area who are pursuing a degree in a healthcare profession. We would like to acknowledge and thank Lauren’s family for partially funding this year’s scholarships.

Recipient College Major or Field of Study
Adriana Arroyo Hartnell College Nursing
Mariah Plaza San Jose State Nursing

Provide supplemental Keeping In Touch (KIT) grants to previous scholarship recipients to support them as they continue in their field of study.

Recipient College Major or Field of Study
Emilie Allaert UC Davis Neurobiology
Ashlee Atkins Cuesta College Agricultural Business
Helen Bui Cal Poly SLO Biology
Daniella Cassidy San Diego State Psychology
Iris Chang UC Irvine Public Health Sciences
Ria Deshpande UC Berkeley Engineering
Pamela Frederick San Jose State Nursing
Isabella Fredericks UC San Diego Chemical Engineering
Aliyah Habib UC Santa Barbara Political Science
Hailey Haynes CSU San Marcos Nursing
Hannah Herrick Cal Poly Ponoma Botany
Elise Kim UC Merced Computer Science
Janelle Laflin University of Southern California Health & Human Sciences
Emily Lopez UC Irvine Art
Madelynne McKenzie Grand Canyon University Criminal Justice
Juanita Salinas Gavilan College Administration of Justice
Grace Sullivan UC Davis Psychology
Gelasia Tiwana UC Berkeley Molecular & Cell Biology

Provide a “Fritts Family STEM Scholarship” to college women from Morgan Hill or Gilroy who are already in college and planning to graduate from a 4-year school with a STEM (science, technology, engineering or math) degree.

This is an endowed scholarship providing a $1000 scholarship each year for 10 years.

Recipient College Major or Field of Study
Simran Gaur San Francisco State Computer Science

Provide two “Judy Kinker Memorial Scholarships”, established in memory of AAUW Morgan Hill member Judy Kinker.

This is an endowed scholarship, with $10,000 provided by Judy’s four daughters and an additional $2,000 by friends. One or two $1000 scholarships are given each year from this fund while money remains. Recipient selection is from among students applying in any of the above scholarship categories.

Recipient College Major or Field of Study
Paola Ledesma CSU San Marcos Elementary Education
Taylor Conely CSU Fullerton Early Childhood Education

Provide funding and mentorship for “Young Women Leaders”

2024 Young Women Leaders’ Conference Participants

The annual Young Women Leaders Conference, organized and run by AAUW Morgan Hill’s Young Women Leaders is offered to local teens.

We would like to acknowledge and thank Silicon Valley Clean Energy and the County Office of Women’s Policy for their generous grants to assist with conference expenses.

Provide Community Action Grants to local non-profit organizations for projects whose goals are consistent with AAUW’s mission.

BookSmart Community Advantage’s Gift of Reading

PA Walsh’s Mini Mermaids at the Wildflower Run

Recipient Project
A TEAM Homeschool Community
Ann Sobrato High School
BookSmart Community Advantage “The Gift of Reading”
The Charter School Of Morgan Hill
Discovery Counseling Center
Empower & Excel
PA Walsh STEAM Elementary School Mini Mermaids Running Club
Poppy Jasper Film Festival
South Valley Science & Engineering Initiative
Susan & Charles Berghoff Foundation

Sponsor a college student from Morgan Hill to participate in NCCWSL (National Conference for College Women Student Leaders).

NCCWSL is an annual national leadership conference for college women. Funding includes travel expenses plus conference registration.

Briell Delisle Oregon State University Public Health Policy & Management

Provide scholarships to send MHUSD Middle School students to Tech Trek, an AAUW-sponsored one week math and science summer camp  for middle school girls.

For many years AAAUW Morgan Hill has been participating in Tech Trek. This year, a new camp, Camp Carson (named after early environmentalist, Rachel Carson) was opened at UC Santa Cruz. We were excited to be able to send 10 MHUSD middle school girls to this new camp.

2024 Tech Trek campers at Camp Carson with AAUW members Bobbie Erb and Krisse Boursier

Recipient School
Simone Amanno San Martin/ Gwinn
Natalie Brinquis Britton Middle School
Audrey Hogan-Esch Martin Murphy Middle School
Valeria Jaral Jackson Academy of Math and Music
Shana Mann Charter School of Morgan Hill
Elizabeth Munoz Charter School of Morgan Hill
Alondra Naranjo Leon Jackson Academy of Math and Music
Jocelyn Rosales Voices of Morgan Hill
Lucia Ruiz-McGinty San Martin/ Gwinn
Avery Schwalen Britton Middle School
Alt #1 Sophia Tahei Martin Murphy Middle School
Alt #2 Leila Haro Voices of Morgan Hill

Fund Morgan Hill’s Third Annual Community Earth Day Celebration, organized by AAUW Morgan Hill’s Climate Education and Action Committee.

We would like to thank the City of Morgan Hill for partnering with us in offering this event to the public. Many thanks also to the presenters and entertainers who made the event fun and educational.

Sponsor a Morgan Hill woman’s participation in the Leadership Morgan Hill class of 2024.

Cindy Adams AAUW Morgan Hill branch member

Underwrite national AAUW priorities. These include graduate fellowships for women, community action grants, pioneering research, public policy advocacy, legal advocacy, and leadership programs.

The $75,000 “Morgan Hill Wildflower Run Research and Projects Grant Endowment” (#4403) was established in 2014 and funding was completed with proceeds from the Wildflower Run in 2019. It now provides funding annually for community action and career development grants.